Bank account disappeared from Wave

DarenDaren Member Posts: 36 ✭✭

My wave dashboard no longer seems to be attached to my bank account. When I logged into wave today where my bank account would usually show up is a message that says "Connect your bank account or credit card
Automate your bookkeeping by importing transactions automatically.".

My bank account connection seems have disappeared or removed from Wave, and I did not do that.

Please help wave.


  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @Daren,

    I've investigated this issue, and I can see there were some connection issues between your bank and our third-party data provider, which caused the connections to be removed. This has now been resolved!

    I can also see you've been able to re-connect, and your transactions are importing as they should be. If you're still having issues however, feel free to thread below :smile:

  • TimDeeganTimDeegan Member Posts: 1

    I have the same issue. My credit card from the same bank is still connected, but my bank account has disappeared.

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