Feedback on Wave in General - You guys are so slow and obstinate when it comes to user requests

TOGuyTOGuy Member Posts: 6

After using Wave for over 10 years, I have to say I'm pretty frustrated to browse these forums and constantly see user requests (often the same ones over and and over that I am also echoing) that are just generally ignored. So many ESSENTIAL requests people make are NOT ON YOUR ROADMAP, or you guys come up with BS workarounds and explanations. I'd like to point out one that is INSANE. Discounts on invoices - you have even sent a note that putting negative dollar values as invoice items - YOUR ONLY WAY TO ADD DISCOUNTS IN YOUR OWN SUGGESTION) was NOT the correct way to account and Tax for these things - you've even said that i will need to go over an entire year's worth of books on this to make sure it wasn't messed up -- and yet you have still not given us a simple DISCOUNT line on invoices.

I don't know if you guys just built a terrible system from the start and now you are stuck in it with no way to fix everything, but just about once a week i REGRET ever using your products, and yet have not the time to migrate to another system.

Please try to listen to your users and make some changes.


  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @TOGuy !

    I'm sorry to hear about your experience and I appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with me.

    For some context, when we plan out the features we're building next, a significant factor we pay attention to is customer feedback. But there's actually a lot more that goes into our product planning, too, and I wanted to give you a better understanding of the decision making that happens at Wave HQ:

    Our product managers and customer success heroes are constantly in touch with customers, accountants and bookkeepers, gathering insights into how they use Wave and what they want to see next. We capture it all.

    Naturally, a feature that has the potential to revolutionize the way you run your business, or that affects many customers, will get more attention. Also, some features are easier to build than others. If a feature request will take a lot of time to build, we need to make sure it drives extra value for our customers.

    Sometimes a feature looks easy, but it has underlying requirements that are difficult, or an infrastructure that doesn't exist. Wave's system handles billions of data packages every week, and we want everything to flow smoothly. Sometimes, it's the architecture that supports a feature, and not the feature itself, that requires the most engineering. We look at whether the work that goes into a feature can be bundled up with other work. Sometimes a feature with fewer requests will get worked on early because we're already making changes to a related part of the machinery, and it makes sense to address several issues while we're in there.

    There are more factors, too, like competitive considerations, advances in technology, changes to regulatory constraints and so on.

    All of this goes into the decision-making process for new features. At the end of it all, our goal is nothing less than delivering the very best tools for running your business.

    I hope this helps shed some light on Wave's decision making processes.

  • TOGuyTOGuy Member Posts: 6

    Thanks. But you continue to fail us,

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