Bank connection stopped or disappeared

JimCJimC Member Posts: 3

A couple of problems with bank connection.
One account that was connected - and was set to automatically import transactions - has disappeared from the list of connected accounts.
Another two accounts (checking and credit card) that were automatically importing transactions, stopped.
Are there issues with bank connections? Is this something that fixes itself or do I have to manually connect again and reset auto connections?


  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hi @JimC Happy to see one of our support specialist has been helping you with your Wells Fargo bank connection. The case is currently on hold while they await further update from our banking data aggregator. Thank you so much for your patience!

  • RWVNRALRWVNRAL Member Posts: 6

    I have had 6 Wells Fargo business checking accounts working seamlessly for several years. All of the sudden all but one connection is broken. Now, whenever I go through the process of connecting to Wells Fargo (despite already being connected for the one business that still synchs), I am NOT seeing all of the Wells Fargo accounts. I am quite frustrated by this and need someone to help me!

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hey @RWVNRAL ,

    I'm sorry that you're having trouble with your bank connection, I know this can be frustrating. Please take a look at my comment here which explains the current issue with Wells Fargo business accounts.

  • RWVNRALRWVNRAL Member Posts: 6

    Still nothing resolved about this??

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