AUS User - Can i still use Wave for Invoicing Only ??

Tania17Tania17 Member Posts: 2

Hi All
Understanding Stripe features are removed from 30th June.
We don't use stripe or credit card payment features.
We use Wave for Invoicing only and bank reconciliation.
All clients direct deposit. Details on Invoice Footnote.

Will i still be able to use Wave in this capacity after 30th June ???
Can i still access all previous invoices if they are invoice only and profiles are simply name/addresses etc???

We are not a big business and really only have about 20x clients on file. We have researched Zoho and many other platforms and don't like them. Wave is simply, great layout and nice graphs. It's all we need.

Kind regards


  • Wavemike1944Wavemike1944 Member Posts: 8
    Same Question as Tania17 has
    Can i still use basic wave for invoicing after June?
    Please someone hopefully can answer that
    My name is Mike
  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hi @Tania17 and @Wavemike1944 Happy to confirm that you'll still be able to create and send invoices on your account after June :)

    The only difference is your clients will no longer see the option to pay for the invoices online directly on the invoice emails they'll receive. Your Stripe account will also still be active (where you can log into it under, but it'll no longer be linked to your Wave account.

  • Hot_GlassHot_Glass Member Posts: 45 ✭✭
    I’d decided to stick with Wave in similar fashion to you Tania17, though using my Stripe account invoicing for some minor card paying overseas clients, and Aussie companies that simply MUST pay by card.
    However I just read an admin post in this thread . . .

    Access to Wave MIGHT be restricted further for non US / Canada users.

    Can this be clarified for ‘rest of World’ users ?
    It’d be nice to be advised that the other post notation was a slip up and notified support in all other ways (than card payments) for current users will still be available.
  • Tania17Tania17 Member Posts: 2

    I agree with Hot_Glass

    Can admin please clarify their position whether there is going to be further restrictions for non US/Canada users. At present i am running as per normal and have not been affected as my business has never utilised the credit card payment option. Many Thanks

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