How to record gift certificates bought as gifts for clients

RacedgRacedg Member Posts: 1

Hi team

Our business bought gift certificates to be given as gifts to clients. How do I appropriately record this transaction?

I am a bit confused as I am trying to connect our receipt to support this transaction but I am not sure how to properly do it in Wave.

We're not selling those gift certificates. We are giving them as gifts.


  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @Racedg!

    To record a purchase, you can head to Accounting > Transactions and click Add expense. Once you've filled in the transaction details, you can also attach a receipt to the transaction, by clicking into the Receipt tab.

    In regards to how to appropriately record the transaction, I'm afraid I can't advise on how best to categorise this purchase, as I'm not a trained accountant. I wouldn't want you to follow the wrong accounting advice here!

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