How to send an invoice to multiple emails

SystemSystem Posts: 412 admin
imageHow to send an invoice to multiple emails

Sometimes your customer uses more than one contact email and needs you to send the invoice to more than one email address.
This is how you can send an invoice to more than one email address


Read the full story here

edited June 16, 2021 in Help Center Discussion


  • StreamlineDesignStreamlineDesign Member Posts: 1

    Where do we add additional email addresses to existing customer profiles? I don't see anywhere to do that.

  • KRVerKRVer Member Posts: 1

    Look for "Add Contact" when you are editing a Customer (Sales/Customers). Thank you Wave - Been waiting for this!

    @StreamlineDesign said:
    Where do we add additional email addresses to existing customer profiles? I don't see anywhere to do that.

    edited June 19, 2021
  • lukxlukx Member Posts: 5

    I also can't see option to add extra addresses...

  • KiahDKiahD Administrator Posts: 267 admin

    Hi @lukx !

    To clarify, are you unable to see this option when sending an invoice, or when adding the information to the customer profile? A screenshot of what you do see, and any error messages would be helpful here!

    In addition, if you're attempting to add additional physical addresses, this isn't currently possible besides the 2 current Billing and Shipping address options.

  • lukxlukx Member Posts: 5

    Hey Kiah,

    I have option to add extra email addresses when sending invoice but no such option to set those every time in edit customer information window.

  • JulianPJulianP Member Posts: 1,002 ✭✭✭

    Hey @lukx !

    We recently launched a new update that allows you to add multiple email addresses to a customer's profile in Wave. You can do this by heading over to Sales/Purchases > Customers > click the customer profile in question > Add a new contact. Then, when you send and invoice or receipt and press the "Add recipients" button, the new emails will be displayed for you to select so you don't have to manually enter them. I hope this helps!

  • lukxlukx Member Posts: 5
    Julian, i really can't see option to add new contact ti existing customer. Any gance maybe for screenshot?
  • lukxlukx Member Posts: 5

    there is only one email when I edit customer

  • David_David_ Member Posts: 2

    Disable your adblocker

  • AlexGAlexG Member Posts: 1

    I'm with @lukx on this. I have no such option to add a secondary contact.

  • DayvoooDayvooo Member Posts: 1

    There's only an option to have 1 email in the contact field. I see the same screen as @lukx could this be a glitch?

  • LorenLoren Member Posts: 2

    Instead of sending invoices to more than one customer contact can I send an estimate/quote to a different contact than the invoices????

    edited August 16, 2021
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