
Receipts App

EKAccountEKAccount Member Posts: 5

Hopefully, I am posting it in the right place.

Discontinuation of receipts application is a very strange decision. Receipts was indeed perhaps the most useful feature of Waveapps. As it is now, there is no way to reliably scan invoices, while on the go.

Consolidating receipts with expenses was not difficult, and in fact could have been automated.

Can we somehow bring this most useful feature back?


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    pnewtonpnewton Member Posts: 1

    This is the most moronic, anti-customer decision I've ever seen a company make. This was why I was using wave... to upload receipts and have the OCR help organize/categorize. Sadly, it looks like I'll be looking for a different app now. I'd be interested to see if your consumer insights team did any research on this.

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    JaredSJaredS Member Posts: 2

    I also don't know where else to post this. Can't really understand this decision at all. Makes your software completely unusable and years backwards ...

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    EKAccountEKAccount Member Posts: 5

    My suspicion is that WaveApps owner H&R Block is trying to kill it, perhaps they decided it is not good for them to offer free service that was better than many paid for offerings.

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    raysearcher123raysearcher123 Member Posts: 3

    @EKAccount said:
    My suspicion is that WaveApps owner H&R Block is trying to kill it, perhaps they decided it is not good for them to offer free service that was better than many paid for offerings.

    AGREED +1
    This is suicide.

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    marcphillipsmarcphillips Member Posts: 1

    Couldn't agree more with this thread. I have a pile of receipts to bring into Wave today and it's going to take a long time with this new method, which is really just manually entering everything. I've been using Wave for 10 years. They've improved so many features recently that I'd hate to leave it over this one misstep — but I think I'll have to. At least offer receipt tracking as a paid feature!

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    ThigleyThigley Member Posts: 2
    I guess I’m not going crazy. I though they had a receipts app when I used it previously but was unable to find it when I started to revive my business. Was honestly the best part to.
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    EKAccountEKAccount Member Posts: 5

    Ability to scan receipts to keep record and create expenses on a fly was extremely useful for small businesses, who do not have time, or resources to safe and sort through all the receipts and enter expenses manually. To this day, no one provided a logical answer why this feature was removed. Thinking of switching to a better provider.

    Does anyone have recommendation?

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    vladovlado Member Posts: 2

    Please add the receipts app back, even if it is a paid option. As long as it works well and it's not overpriced. I have been exploring other automated solutions but it takes too many steps to integrate with wave. Wave made app that works with wave accounting is good way forward!

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    NimbusUnlimitedNimbusUnlimited Member Posts: 10

    I agree with everyone here. The discontinuation of the Receipts App, the receipt submission by email, and the OCR processing was a mistake on WaveApp's part. I went from being fantastic at submitting my receipts and pairing them with my transactions (or using receipts to create cash-on-hand transactions) to shoving receipts into a folder in a filing cabinet and not bothering to connect them to WaveApps at all.

    Why remove one of the great things that set WaveApps apart from its competitors?

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    EKAccountEKAccount Member Posts: 5

    Not only that. Receipts were stored, OCRed and searchable that made it ideal also as a proof of purchase. Instead of hunting for receipt through the boxes and pockets, we could easily find them in one place.

    I think QB has similar functionality, but it is way too expensive, for just receipts, that is the most useful for a very small business and dependent contractors.

    Call me conspiracy theorist, but I suspect that "receipts" was not really an app, but a connection to a farm of underpaid workers who had to do it "by hand" Perhaps Wave cannot afford them anymore, and does not have expertise to actually digitize the process.

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    _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Yup. One of several very bad business decisions made by this company.

    "Hey it's simpler and easier..."

    humm... so instead of

    launching the app and snapping a photo of the receipt and trashing the receipt and having it automatically extract the details and a simple reconciliation.

    We now have to...

    Keep the receipt (back in the business of managing receipts again), manually create a record and enter all the transaction details manually, take a picture and add it to the transaction, wait for a credit card transaction to come through, then find both txs and merge them, ensure the copy of the receipt is still there. This assumes you haven't lost the receipt in the process.

    Customer service says...

    do this on the spot...

    well, yeah, right. We're in front of a customer and you asking us to do all this on a 5" little screen and take 3-5 minutes away from my customer and potentially lose a sale? ....Seriously?

    It's pretty clear - the product manager(s) and/or analysts don't understand the business of business and how the sales process works. They undervalued the simplicity and how it streamlined things were while getting the customer out of the business of managing receipts. They removed all these features with a complex (2 steps to over 20 now) one said it benefits us. The fact they didn't even bother to offer alternatives, like integrating with a 3rd part services to provide the missing functionality also confirms they had no idea how valuable their app was to their customers. Not a good sign of a good company - no knowing why or offering alternatives.

    99% of business owners want to grow their business and they need more/better services and automation as they grow. Wave has dramatically failed at this because its business plan has a limited value proposition with not wanting to charge for services they could/should (like their receipt app), a business plan focusing on customers with less than 5 employees, and not wanting to grow with its customer base. Quite odd... considering I don't know too many business owners who don't want to grow their business. They also implied that small businesses don't need automation where we said they have it wrong, small businesses need more automation.

    Wave is designed to target small businesses. As a result, Wave may not offer some of the features larger businesses may be looking for.

    https://community.waveapps.com/discussion/comment/48775#:~:text=Wave is designed to target small businesses. As a result, Wave may not offer some of the features larger businesses may be looking for

    edited January 6, 2022
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    ProRoofServProRoofServ Member Posts: 1

    And here I thought I was the only one totally disgusted with that winning decision to scrap the best program in the Wave accounting system. It was better than Quickens receipt app and it was free.
    Thank you for making our lives more difficult and frustrating. Just what we all want to add to our busy schedules.
    Back to looking for a better, more inclusive program.

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    EKAccountEKAccount Member Posts: 5

    @ProRoofServ said:
    And here I thought I was the only one totally disgusted with that winning decision to scrap the best program in the Wave accounting system. It was better than Quickens receipt app and it was free.
    Thank you for making our lives more difficult and frustrating. Just what we all want to add to our busy schedules.
    Back to looking for a better, more inclusive program.

    Please let us know if you find anything.

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    StephenChefStephenChef Member Posts: 1

    So, I've just joined, and with the intention of being able to upload receipts in accounting, only to realize you are allowed to upload one photo. What's the point In joining if we can't keep receipt documentation? Time to move on I suppose.

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    AvocaAvoca Member Posts: 4

    Now that Wave has (finally!) introduced their Automerge feature, they can at long last bring back the Receipts mobile app and OCR functionality. One of the biggest reasons Wave gave us in terminating the Receipts app was that too many customers were getting annoyed with having to merge transactions; i.e., a receipt transaction with an downloaded transaction. Never made sense to me, but anyway...

    However, now with the automerge capabilities, that argument evaporates into nothing.

    Wave: Please (PLEASE!) make receipts easy again!

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