
Zapier - Zap for when an invoice is paid does not exist.

dvbowmandvbowman Member Posts: 1

Zapier - Zap for when an invoice is paid does not exist.

Would Zapier and/or Wave be accountable for developing a new Zap? I cannot not find one for when an invoice is paid. Could I request the Zap to be made?

I wish to use Wave for payment collection and recurring invoices. I plan to sell subscriptions for a web app and services. Currently, I see the process being to have a server poll your API for the status of the invoice. The invoice info would have been supplied by a prior Zap. I wish to provide timely access for my users. I also do not wish to abuse your API and poll too frequently. The plan is to poll every hour. Is that okay?

Any help is appreciated!

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