Job Billing - Partial Payment

STyL_Film_MediaSTyL_Film_Media Member Posts: 2

Good Morning All,

I am new to Wave and looking for some guidance. Our platform for customer billing involves deposit billing, 50% billing, and final billing based on the job progression and not really on a time progression. We would like to bill the customer at each phase but with just a modified invoice without physically modifying the original invoice.

For ex:

Invoice - $1,000

07/01/2021 - Deposit (upon receipt) - 25%

07/14/2021 - Halfway point (upon receipt) - 25%

08/15/2021 - Final Billing (upon receipt) - Balance

My hope is to see on the invoice:


Invoice $1,000
Payment -$250
Balance $750


07/14/2021 Balance $750
Payment -$250
New Balance $500

08/15/2021 Balance $500
Payment -$500
Final balance $0

With new invoice cycle set up to send when we are ready and updated invoice sent each time.

Or atleast is there an option for customer to pay a partial billing (not us set up the partial billing)?

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