
Put the sales tax preview back in the transactions list

motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

I used to be able to quickly scan transaction entries and see those that had sales tax(es) already applied and those that didn't. Either I'm blind or Wave has now removed this item meaning I have to open and close and open and close and open and close each transaction line to se if I've applied tax?

This is a very disappointing trend I've noticed with the UI and UX in Wave. What is it with the Wave development team that seems to be absolutely fascinated with forcing hundreds of unnecessary mouse-clicks on it's users? It's like we've all somehow ticked you off and this is some petty way you're getting back at us,


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    motoramblermotorambler Member Posts: 53 ✭✭

    This is what I'm talking about:

    Before the 'update', zero mouse clicks were required to quickly scan through my transaction list in order to find any transactions that I forgot to apply a sales tax. Now with the 'updated UI and UX', I need two mouse clicks per line (to open and close the transaction details). How did this latest and brilliant Wave UI/UX update improve our accounrting lives? Let's say I only want to scan twenty transactions: now I need forty mouse clicks instead of the previous zero mouse clicks.

    Amazing stuff.

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    prmsssprmsss Member Posts: 13

    Agree. I'm having a hard time reviewing even my last transactions before migrating out of Wave. Seems development is really not user-first atm.

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    samsezcleansamsezclean Member Posts: 1

    Please put this feature back, opening each line item one by one to verify tax has been applied is FAR TO time consuming, The amount of time it takes me I could hire an accountant and save money which is why i switched to wave in the first place.

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