
No response to my support ticket in weeks!

librarians_teachlibrarians_teach Member Posts: 1

I opened a support ticket #1460745 on July 9, 2021 and have still not received a single reply from Wave other than the automated "we have received your request".

Like MANY others, my bank connection at PSECU.com (a state credit union) won't connect, and I've troubleshooted every action in the support articles and community threads.
My bank doesn't provide any other file formats to update transactions manually (even if that was a realistic option for busy small business owners). What my bank did say when I contacted them is that the Plaid connection usually works when connected "manually" by entering the routing number and account number rather than my login credentials. I cannot find this option in Wave.

Can someone please follow up on my support ticket about this? I have more details in the ticket.

edited July 29, 2021 in Technical Support
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