How to undo an .csv import/Faulty transaction import

eugenevanpotcheugenevanpotch Member Posts: 1

First problem: I noticed that the 'Transactions' tab didn't correlate with my 'Dashboard'. I then realized that the 'Transactions' tab didn't import ALL my transactions from my bank.

Second Problem: I then tried to rectify the problem by importing a .csv assuming that Wave would detect duplicates and only import the missing transactions. WRONG!!!

All my transactions are duplicated for the past three months, except for the ones Wave didn't import in the first place.

  1. So, how do I undo the .csv import? and
  2. How do I ensure that Wave imports ALL my transactions when connecting to my bank?

Your response will be appreciated. Thanks


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @eugenevanpotch.

    Most financial institutions won't allow importing of transactions older than a certain age. That age is usually 30, 60 or 90 days. This is why your older transactions weren't imported.

    You cannot undo your CSV import. The easiest thing to do would be to go to your transactions page, choose your bank account and delete all transactions in it. Then, upload your CSV file. Finally, set up your connection to start importing at the last day covered by your CSV. This will ensure that you have all your transactions on Wave, with no duplication.

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