
How to allocate 1 check received for 2 invoices

VGFC_2016VGFC_2016 Member Posts: 4

Does anyone know how to allocate 1 check received from a client to 2 outstanding invoices? My client didn't pay the first invoice until the 2nd one was received and then wrote a check for both invoice amounts due.


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    MH_98MH_98 Member Posts: 2

    Hi VGFC_2016

    If you pull up the transaction in Accounting > Transactions, there is an option to split the payment. From there you can categorize the split payment into Two different invoices.

    On the transaction there is a little blue arrow on the right side, if you hover the mouse over it, it will say "show transaction details". Click on that, and you will see a button that says "split transaction".
    Once you click that you can type in the amount owed for each individual invoice, and you will be able to categorize the split payments to the matching invoices.

    Hope this helps.

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    VGFC_2016VGFC_2016 Member Posts: 4

    THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, MH_98!!! I would never have found that on my own but so helpful to not have one of the 2 invoices showing outstanding/unpaid.

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