Bank connections stop working

SabineSabine Member Posts: 13

over the last couple of month my bank connections (2 different banks) stop working every couple of weeks.
I have tried to disable / enable automatic import - not helping
Deleting the accounts and recreated the connections does import the accounts for some time and then they stop working again.

Any advice on how I can get this to work reliably again?


  • SabineSabine Member Posts: 13

    Anyone know how I can get some attention on this?

  • GCMachinery1GCMachinery1 Member Posts: 4

    I've been having the same problem for nearly 3 months, it will download transactions for a week then nothing for 3 weeks. The Plaid "partnership" has made Wave unusable, there's no response from Wave, they seem to be simply hoping we go away.

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