Unsaved Changes

TwosailramTwosailram Member Posts: 2

Started a few days ago, I frequently duplicate a transaction then edit the copy with new date and sometimes different amount, then save the duplicate.
When I try to enter the next transaction or duplicate another transaction, I get a message box saying I have unsaved changes and leaving the transaction will discard any changes not saved. (see attached screen image)
Doesn't matter which button I press, the message stays.
I suspect an error but unsure


  • MACMAT24MACMAT24 Member Posts: 2

    I am having the same problem for the past week. Sometimes I get this message when I first open a Wave session and have not been adding or editing transactions. The only way to clear it is to click "Discard" because "Save and continue" results in the same error.

  • pdavid3pdavid3 Member Posts: 1

    I have the exact same issue. Had been attaching receipts - no problem. Now this pops up every time I click on the down arrow to bring up the full menu for the transaction. Clicking on discard doesn't seem to be a good option, but I'll try it.

  • MACMAT24MACMAT24 Member Posts: 2

    This problem continues. I cannot copy an existing transaction without getting the error message: "You have unsaved changes." It seems my workaround of clicking "discard" has created issues because I have had copied transactions that I am certain that I have saved disappear from the register. It is not clear at all how to report a recreatable bug to the Wave team.

  • TwosailramTwosailram Member Posts: 2

    Do the app developers even follow/read this thread?

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