
Unable to download file using Wave Connect

MarixMarix Member Posts: 2

I am trying to migrate to Zoho Books since South Africa will no longer be able to make use of Wave for new entities. I have been able to download all of my files using Wave Connect, except for Invoice Data and Line Items. For some reason, this report just won't download. I have tried numerous times and it is just not working. It is quite a large report, but so were the others and I didn't have any problems there. I also filtered out some of the fields that we won't require in an effort to lessen the data, but even that didn't help. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated since this is the last piece of the puzzle I need to migrate my entity. - FYI - I have been using Wave since 2017 and I have to export all of the historic data. I did, however, only use Wave to generate invoices and to record payments - no full bookkeeping function. I have about 40 customers and each of them received one invoice per month.

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