Editor access - unclear about some details

DanCADanCA Member Posts: 1

I'm brand new to Wave. I love the UI, great job (I compared it to a few others like Xero and there's just no comparison).

Per Wave's suggestion, I'd like to set up my bookkeeper/accountant as an Editor, but Editor doesn't have bank access, apparently not even VIEWING bank transactions. I don't get it. How is my accountant going to be an accountant without seeing anything in the bank? Will they just have to have access the information directly with the bank only (if I give them a restricted role login to the bank account) and not in Wave? I know I could make the person an Administrator, but that seems like going further than necessary for that role. Unless I'm missing something (am I?), it seems that this Editor role is for a bookkeeper but not for a full accountant, and it would be nice if there were an in-between level (like being able to view but not do anything with bank transactions, and not being able to do user management - why would I want an accountant to be involved with user management?), or if the roles could be somewhat customized.

Also another question: if I set up the Google Sheets integration for uploading Wave data to Google Sheets, how do I have my accountant who has been assigned a role in Wave access those Sheets since the Sheets will be in my Google account? Is that simply done by sharing the relevant Sheets folder to that accountant via the Google Drive sharing function?


edited November 1, 2021 in Using Wave
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