
Cannot link a Transaction to a Customer in 'Personal' Business Area

nadimkhan2000nadimkhan2000 Member Posts: 4

About a 8 to 12 months ago I was able to link a Customer to an expense or income within the 'Personal' Business Area. I use this to link properties.
Although I can create and amend my customer list under the Settings>Income Sources, when I go into any transaction, I can only see the Vendors button. I have therefore lost my ability to see the Customers I have linked previously which is the most concerning thing ( I have about 2 years of history).
I believe this is a technical issues as a result of the new way in Wave for seeing the details of a transaction.
This issue does not occur in my other 'Limited Company' business areas.
Firstly should the Customer field be hidden now, secondly is there a way I can see and add Customers going forward ?


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