[NEW] Is there a way to change the bank account names once they are linked?

JJDem593JJDem593 Member Posts: 4

Is there a way to change the bank account names once they are linked? All of our accounts are linked (many many acounts) but they all came through as "Checking Account ###". We have no way of knowing _what _checking account they are associated with. How can I change the checking account display name?!


  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Go to Accounting/Chart of Accounts. You should see a pencil to the right of each cash account. Click on to edit the name.

  • JJDem593JJDem593 Member Posts: 4

    It doesn't update the name on the dashboard. I feel like I am so close! Thank you for sending!

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    You could always try: Have all the accounts named the way you want. Then delete the connections. Reconnect. Select and match account. IMPORTANT: Be sure to select the correct date to start importing. If all has already been imported then, select today. I would think that should change the dashboard.

  • JJDem593JJDem593 Member Posts: 4

    I don't think wave lets you create an account with out any historical data imported in?

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    That is not correct. You can always create an account on the Chart of Accounts. I am not suggesting to delete (archive) any accounts. I am assuming that you have all the cash accounts already set up in Wave and you are looking to rename them. In addition, the Dashboard section with connected accounts shows the old names. I would suggest as a first step is to rename the existing accounts. That process was described above. For example:
    Bank of America Checking
    Bank of America Checking
    Bank Of America Checking - 0123
    Bank of America Checking - 4265
    Once you have all names as you would like, I would go to Banking and delete the connection.
    Now reconnect the account and link each account to the appropriate renamed account. Be sure that you select the correct date as to when to import. If the transactions are current in Wave then you would select today as an import date. My thought is that deleting and reconnecting the account will refresh the Dashboard.

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