
***Improvements Required***

MayneCorpMayneCorp Member Posts: 1

Hi folks,

I'm a new Wave user. I've encountered the following issues so far:

1) The scanning of receipts, while amazing, is too slow. This works when you are up-to-date with you expenses and are doing them as you go, but sometimes I'll do my at the end of the month. I genuinely believe I could add it to my own spreadsheet quicker, manually. Automation is supposed to speed things up.

I'm now having to consider reverting to my old process for previous months and starting with Wave from the beggining of May.

2) Also, not all pertinent info is detailed on the front page of a receipt. Sainsbury's (a major U.K supermarket) have the itemisation on the front, but the date of the transaction on the back. I'd like to get to a point where I can go paperless, but if it's not capturing all the detail there is room for manual input errors. I need to be able to 100% trust it.

A resolution would be to enable users to add additional photos if necessary.

3) Receipts becoming 'read-only' when submitted - Terrible. Why can't I edit them? If i make a mistake I have to delete the expense and start the whole process again. Surely, the system can cope with updates to things like payment method, date and category?

4) When you add an account, you should have a 'delete' function and not just an 'archive one'. It is our data and under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) we should be able to do as we wish with it. I've seen this covered in a previous thread so I won't deliberate but wish to add my name to the motion to get this added.

Perhaps with some of these issues the community could have a vote button and if there is enough demand you'll change the functionality regardless of personal opinion.I read the aforementioned thread about the 'delete' (or lack of) functionality with dismay - it didn't seem to matter that users were telling you they wanted it.

Anyway, these are all suggestions. I fully appreciate the service is free as is my advice!

edited August 31, 2018 in Accounting Feature Ideas


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @MayneCorp.

    Thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. Here's a few questions, notes and suggestions for workarounds.

    1. I would be curious to know what method you usually use to upload your receipts. This would give us a better idea of exactly what we need to work on.

    2. I've heard this a few times, thank you for bringing it up. While this isn't possible for the moment, there are many image combiner apps for mobile, or tools on desktop computers that would allow you to combine multiple pages into a single image. You can upload an image already on your phone with the receipt app by clicking the icon on the top right of the screen when in camera mode. I understand that this isn't ideal, and having this automated would be more convenient, but it will work as a workaround. Thank you for your suggestion.

    3. While we do recommend carefully reviewing of a receipt's information before validating it, mistakes can and do happen. Note that while you can't edit the receipt, you are able to edit the transaction as it appears on the Transactions page. If you need to change a date or even the amount, and don't want to re-enter that receipt, you can just edit the linked transaction.

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    GeertGeert Member Posts: 7

    4) Do you have an update on nr 4 Alexia?

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Geert.

    As you've seen in the other thread already, I don't have more information to give right now, but I see you've already reached out to the Privacy team. They'll be able to answer your questions best.

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