
Payroll liabilities

Alabi_Oluwaseyi7Alabi_Oluwaseyi7 Member Posts: 2

I currently record payroll for my clients and it doesn't seem right. I know that for every payroll wave creates a journal which is posted into payroll liabilities and then it takes the money out of the bank account and transfers it to the holding account(wave payroll clearing) increasing both accounts by the same amount and when the expense shows up on the bank feed I only have to transfer it to the holding account and that creates a chain reaction which ultimately brings payroll liabilities to zero. My problem now is that the payroll amounts gets transferred to the holding account several days before the actual payroll disbursement date and although I can see the journal has already been created, the journal doesn't get posted to payroll liabilities until the disbursement date. Since the bank debit happens before the journal is effected on the payroll date, this means that my payroll liabilities always show a negative amount which implies an asset when in really it is a liability. eg payroll liabilities =-2000 on the date of the withdrawal to the holding account and nets out to zero when the journal has been effected on the disbursement date so now i am having to increase the payroll liability account with the amount from the bank feed while the Journal is reducing it instead of the other way round just because the withdrawal happens several days before the disbursement. But I feel that instead of a negative payroll which implies asset, it should be a positive figure which implies liability and its the bank feed that should be reducing the payroll liabilities not the journal.

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