PocketGamesPocketGames Member Posts: 1


I have requested an Export Data to Excel, several times, however, I am not getting the email back with the Data.

I have checked, I have only one email and it is the primary one.

Can you check please. My email address is pocketgamesaustralia@hotmail.com

I would really like to continue to use your software, but I need to be able to export the data.

Hope to hear from you soon.



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @PocketGames.

    I noticed that a colleague of mine already followed up with you with your support ticket. Are you still having this issue? Sometimes, it can take a few hours for the link to be sent over.

    In the future, please be sure to only ask for assistance on one channel. Sending in a support ticket and also making a request on the community forum spreads our resources thinner and slows down the support we can offer to our users.

  • GotlightGotlight Member Posts: 3

    I've never had a problem waiting for exported data. Never had to wait more than 5 mins. This time it is taking forever. I only have 30 transactions with 30 receipts. What's the SLA regarding receiving the data export link? Been waiting over 30 min... again my data is not complicated. Frustrated

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @Gotlight thank you for letting us know. Could you confirm that you have requested an export of all of your account data, and if it has now arrived?

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