Question on how to import expense transaction from CSV file.

daveinarmstrongdaveinarmstrong Member Posts: 4

I would like to import expenses from a CSV file into transactions as a "Transaction type" Withdrawal.
I see an option for uploading bank account income from a CSV file, but not expenses. I can upload the CSV file as a deposit, but the wave system won't let me bulk edit and change it to a Withdrawal.
Is it possible to do this?


  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Importing using a csv file is both receipts (deposits) and expenses (withdrawals) Typically, banks will allow you to export banking transactions into a csv file. A csv file can be helpful because it is easy to manipulate the data with excel. You need three columns. Date/Description/Amount.
    Deposits (sales) should be a positive number and withdrawals (expenses) are negative. If you are importing a credit card the amounts are reversed i.e. charges are positive and payments are negative. All numbers whether positive or negative should be in one column.
    Hope that helps!

  • daveinarmstrongdaveinarmstrong Member Posts: 4

    Thanks that works! Is there a way to import the sales tax GST PST and category? or quickly bulk edit these in Wave? This would be such a great feature.

  • MikegMikeg Member Posts: 995 ✭✭✭

    Unfortunately no, that is because only bank accounts and credit cards can be imported.

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