
Sub-categories and Tags....please!!!

mdkoch84mdkoch84 Member Posts: 7

Please add sub-categories and tags for transactions. You would have droves of people using this if it just had a way to parse out lines of business, and right now its impossible! Please add some granularity. Event his post can have tags!


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    Jim_CADCJim_CADC Member Posts: 2
    Agreed! Please!
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    BKIncBKInc Member Posts: 4

    Echoing this sentiment. I really like Wave but it absolutely need a way to track projects. I would even pay for this as a premium feature. I'd hate to go back to quickbooks as Wave has a much better UI but Project P/L is such to track in this system.

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    VAartistVAartist Member Posts: 1

    I am on the verge of switching to another accounting platform. I have been using Wave for several months and really like it, but tags are a deal breaker. I need to be able to tag income and expenses to specific projects/products to see individual profitability and do not want to open a zillion separate accounts to do so. I would be willing to pay for this feature and start using Wave for all my invoicing and payment receipts. Is this even on the radar as an upgrade? Many thanks in advance for your consideration and response.

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    devonbatedevonbate Member Posts: 1

    I would also pay for this feature, in desperate need of better project/department tracking.

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