
Searching and viewing uploaded receipts/expenses

dondon Member Posts: 4


I'm just trying out Wave to manage my small home-based business expenses. I'm really only using it (so far) to manage my expenses and keep track of receipts. I'm wondering, how easy is to go back and look up/search and view a receipt a receipt that I entered in the past. I know I can run a report to tally the total for that expense category and I am able to view individual expense transactions, however, I can't seem to find an easy way to search for and view an old receipt. Any ideas?



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    Finn_KingslandFinn_Kingsland Member Posts: 19

    @don, I read somewhere that they were working on making it easier to go to a receipt from the transaction it created. Right now tho? I'd just make it so you get 100 receipts a page (there's a dropdown menu at the bottom left) and search for the merchant name with control+F. Not perfect if you have a ton of receipts, but hey, it works.

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    dondon Member Posts: 4

    Thank you for your reply. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious. The method you described does work, but as you say, is tedious with lots of receipts. I wish you could just search the notes field of each transaction... Maybe in the future.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @don!

    Thanks for bringing this up! We are working on ways to link transactions to their receipts a little more easily, so stay tuned!

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    ChickweedArtsChickweedArts Member Posts: 4

    I also find it very inconvenient that I cant search uploaded receipts. I love Wave otherwise, but this slows me down a lot. It does seem like a serious oversight, and something that could be fixed fairly easily.

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    JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @ChickweedArts . This is a feature that is definitely on our radar (in terms of having a search functionality on the receipts page), however, we still don't have an ETA of when this would be implemented in Wave. Our engineering team is well aware of what needs to be added/improved on specific aspects of our software, and hearing your voices is most important to them. With that being said, we have to rifle through a number of feature requests on any given day and make the most of our team here, while prioritizing customer needs/satisfaction. I appreciate the feedback and will make sure that this is on the horizon for the near future.

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    ChickweedArtsChickweedArts Member Posts: 4

    thank you

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    ReportingInReportingIn Member Posts: 1

    +1 for this. Wave seems to be very good but it is missing a search feature. If possible, all fields should be searchable to make life so much easier!

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    MLNMLN Member Posts: 1

    Another +1 for this feature please! This would have saved us so, so much time today as we're gathering everything for our Accountant from 2 different brands that we use Wave for! Thank you.

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    wildmercurywildmercury Member Posts: 12

    +1 again for a keyword search facility of any kind in receipts / transactions

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    CIwanenkoCIwanenko Member Posts: 3

    Are you able to print out the receipts once you have done a search for them? I need to print out all of my 2018 receipts for my accountant. If I can't I am going to be in a lot of trouble :/

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    AmandaKAmandaK Member Posts: 73 admin

    @ReportingIn @MLN @wildmercury Thank you all for chiming into let us know that this feature would be helpful for you - our product teams are constantly monitoring our community forums so this is super helpful.

    @Clwanenko I just shared the same instructions on your other post, but in case this is helpful for others, here is how you print out your receipts:
    1. Select Settings at the bottom of the left-hand navigation panel.
    2. Scroll down to Other and click Data Export.
    3. On the Export your data page:
    4. Click Export all receipts as a ZIP file.

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