Credit card bill Payment

Mal21Mal21 Member Posts: 1

Hi I am new to the Wave community. I am not sure how to merge credit card transactions. My expenses are from my credit card and I pay my credit card from my checking account. In wave, I actually see 3 transactions for each payment. I updated one as checking to Master, another one as Master to Checking. But am not sure if I am doing it correctly


  • remotebooksremotebooks Member Posts: 10

    You should only have 2 transactions when transferring funds from one account to another - in your case Checking to Credit card.

    Transaction 1
    Account: Checking
    Category: Transfer To > Credit Card
    Amount: $100 (Black)

    Transaction 2
    Account: Credit Card
    Category: Transfer From > Checking
    Amount: $100 (Green)

    If you have a third transaction for $100 that doesn't match anything else and doesn't reconcile, it may be a duplicate entry created manually which can be deleted.

    Happy number crunching!

    Sam - RemoteBooks

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