Goodbye Wave!!

ahwdvmahwdvm Member Posts: 5

My bank transactions have not downloaded since 12/13/21, despite reconnecting, disconnecting bank and reconnecting, etc. I am tired of seeing all the complaints with no resolution, so no more for me. Wave obviously does not respond to these complaints with anything except on giving advice for manually entering the transactions. If I wanted to do that, I would not be using an online service that advertises auto transactions from your bank. Goodbye.


  • 918Scott918Scott Member Posts: 5

    Communication with Wave is so frustrating also! It can take 10-15 min to connect via chat and when you ask a question, it takes so long to get answers. I do not have the time to sit here and wait and wait and wait then ask a follow-up question and wait and wait and wait.

  • lexxonelexxone Member Posts: 4

    What other company are you thinking of moving your accounting to? I'm considering leaving Wave also.

  • ahwdvmahwdvm Member Posts: 5

    Lexxone, I have opened a basic account with QB, not the money I want to spend, but their connections are always good. I liked Wave when I first started - all my transactions downloaded from the bank on a regular basis, but it is never consistent here, now, and their responses of manually loading them when everyone is telling them that Plaid is not working is not acceptable. After I made my original post, some transactions finally downloaded, but only 12/24 and 12/26 or so, and nothing between 12/13 when it stopped and 12/24. Terrible service. Funny - I was just sent a survey for Wave, asking if I would recommend them and if I could have given them a 0 rather than 1, I would have. I wrote the experiences I have had and wonder if they would ever do anything about it. I use the free service, but if you Google reviews, you will see the people who actually pay for services have it even worse.

  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Have no idea what is up with Wave. They keep removing their best features, adding ones that very few customers want, and fail to update the core system in the process.

  • Spencer55Spencer55 Member Posts: 2

    Honestly, I had high hopes when H&R Block acquired them that a concerted effort to fix these little things would be done to compete with both QBO and Xero. For a moment, it seemed like that was happening, but I'm fighting with Plaid connections regularly, my Bank of America accounts seem to randomly stop importing (despite saying 1-2 days ago I'm missing an entire week of transactions), and the support for payroll is poorly executed (I've had an open request regarding the 941 ERC for a month and was essentially told they are backed up).

    I was a QBO user for a while, and frankly, it was overkill for what I needed. But with a Costco discount, it was cheap and I used it for a while until my books were too much of a mess to even try and fix. Can here thinking the "easy" side of Wave would make life better, but it hasn't really. :(

  • Bones_FinancialBones_Financial Member Posts: 2

    QB Online is free for accountants. Google QB Online Accountant and you can register for a free account.

  • _Derek__Derek_ Member Posts: 62 ✭✭

    Wave has been pretty much silent except for promoting H&R block tax services. Very disappointed because of the lack of updates, fixes, roadmaps, and poor communication in general. More disappointedly, they are not growing their business and services with their customers as they grow.

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