Error when entering vendor info.

khumbu76khumbu76 Member Posts: 1

Hi there! Has anyone encountered an issue when setting up new vendors? After entering all of the vendor's info as a 1099-NEC contractor and hitting 'save,' I receive the following error page. It's only 1 specific vendor that seems to trigger this error page. I'm able to set up all of my other vendors without any issues at all. I tried a couple different browsers, same thing happens. I even tried changing the name of the vendor a bit (added middle initial), same thing. I'm stumped!


  • JunipGJunipG Member Posts: 2

    Yes I am having the same problem with all my T4A contractors (in Canada). Tried to delete all cookies and cache. tried multiple browsers. Always get an error - unable to save any T4A contractors. I am having to enter them as regular vendors, which means its harder to generate end of year tax slips for them :(

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