Connection to Simplii Bank not working

sanjeevjsanjeevj Member Posts: 24

The connection has been sporadic at the best but now does not connect at all. Tried so many times after deleting the account and tried to attach again.
Anybody else having issues with Simplii?


  • CanadaJayCanadaJay Member Posts: 1

    I'm having the same issue, and have had for quite some time. I thought I'd try removing and reconnecting the connection but Wave's warning dialog states that deleting the connection will "remove these accounts", and goes on to list my accounts. The next line states: "Deleting the connection stops any current transaction import. Existing transactions remain unchanged.". I'm not sure which statement to trust as they contradict each other. This is beyond frustrating, and if removing the connection deletes all my account data, this will be devastating.

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