
Secondary email

Nicole LicourtNicole Licourt Member Posts: 1

I run my company through one account and I added a second account but it looks like it's still sending it from my company email p. Is it possible to add a secondary email to have the second company invoices sent from the correct email? I Googled it and it says there's a way but the way it says to do it is not an option for some reason?


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    James_HudsonJames_Hudson Member Posts: 121 admin

    Hi Nicole,

    You should be able to add a secondary email by clicking on your business name and clicking "Manage Your Profile." If you don't see the option to add an email address, it's probably because you normally login through google.

    If you add a password in the "Password" tab, you'll see the emails tab appear!

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    Bob_StevensBob_Stevens Member Posts: 10

    Got two businesses each with a verified email address. invoices sent via the second business get sent via the primary email address instead of the second business's email address.

    I do not log in through google.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    @Bob_Stevens Your primary email address works at an account level and not at a business level (or another way, your primary email address is 'primary' for all your businesses). In order to change what appears on your invoices, you'll need to select your other address as primary as required.

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    Bob_StevensBob_Stevens Member Posts: 10

    So, switch primary email addresses every time we switch businesses? That seems awkward and easy to forget. 2 steps instead of one.

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    Bob_StevensBob_Stevens Member Posts: 10

    So, switch primary email addresses as well as businesses. That seems awkward and easy to screw up. Cannot the system keep track of each (use bob@abc.com when in abc.com business and bob@xyz.com when using xyz.com business?)

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hey @Bob_Stevens , as mentioned, primary email address is for your whole account and not per business. Invoices display the primary email address associated with your account, so if you would like an email address to appear on your invoices you will need to make sure that email address is primary at that time.

    Please be mindful of duplicate comments and keep comments constructive. We're more than happy to receive feedback if the discussion is productive. Thank you.

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    Bob_StevensBob_Stevens Member Posts: 10

    Yeah, sorry about that. The 1st comment didn’’t show up so i re-commented.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    No problem! Thanks for your feedback too - we really do appreciate it.

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    BAWSSBAWSS Member Posts: 1

    @James Hudson said:
    Hi Nicole,

    You should be able to add a secondary email by clicking on your business name and clicking "Manage Your Profile." If you don't see the option to add an email address, it's probably because you normally login through google.

    If you add a password in the "Password" tab, you'll see the emails tab appear!

    Hi James,
    This is exactly the solution I needed for my small business, THANK YOU!

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    SolSol Member Posts: 7

    @Charlotte said:
    Hey @Bob_Stevens , as mentioned, primary email address is for your whole account and not per business. Invoices display the primary email address associated with your account, so if you would like an email address to appear on your invoices you will need to make sure that email address is primary at that time.

    Please be mindful of duplicate comments and keep comments constructive. We're more than happy to receive feedback if the discussion is productive. Thank you.

    Seriously... am I missing something here? Is Wave trying to shoot itself in the foot?
    So ALL businesses under an account will be invoiced under the SAME email...haha..
    I just posted about the enormous security problem this ALSO raises since any company that has staff who needs to access the invoice sending email can RESET the password for the ENTIRE Wave account...not just that company but EVERY business under that Wave account..
    This is absolutely mindblowing, you never want to have all of your businesses or even necessarily all invoices from the same email.. and you certainly don't want the security risk of allowing ANY listed email to reset the MASTER password!!
    I mean the new Wave is pretty...but what is going on here with fundamentals? Do you guys need some help on this? I also don't think that you need to preach at posters about keeping things constructive and get defensive, just address these basic flaws.
    Ultimately solutions are more important than sanitized communications, yes?

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @Sol ! I've responded to your other discussion. Please keep conversation around one subject in one discussion, as responding to others may trigger notifications for members whose issues have been resolved. In this instance, you're quoting a comment from me from nearly a year ago, and this discussion hasn't been active since March.

    As I mentioned in my other response, we have a function to enable you to add multiple users securely. Email addresses you add under your profile aren't meant to belong to others, this is what the guest users function is for. To be clear, guest users cannot change your password, and don't require access to anything of yours in order to use Wave. You send email invitations to them, they accept, and then set up their own credentials.

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    SolSol Member Posts: 7

    You still haven't resolved the question. Again, if you cannot understand the question please find someone who can. ((if you can show me how I'm wrong, I'm completely excited to be wrong and be able to implement your pretty software, but if you are going to keep ignoring/failing to understand the core issue then I am going to need to make a youtube video since this is a great concern to small business security)
    Let's make it simple for a small company reality..
    Wave User has 2 emails, one which she wants to use for Admin for instance acmefounder@acme.some and one which she uses for Accounts and Invoicing which is acmeaccounts@acme.some.
    In the current Wave system, in ORDER to use an email on an invoice for ANY of the companies under a Wave account, that email must be given "root level" permissions (to borrow a term from computer security)..
    In the current scenario, anyone in her company whom she gives password rights on the acmeaccounts@acme.some has ABSOLUTE POWER over her entire Wave account, able to simply request a password reset and LOCK OUT THE OWNER, CHANGE ACCOUNTS etc.
    This makes the software safe ONLY for a sole proprietor with no employees, because even an email accidently left open could lead to total takeover of the ACCOUNTING/INVOICING SOFTWARE.
    This is NOT an issue that is resolved by there being "guest accounts". It's NOT resolved by their being limited USER accounts.
    The ISSUE is the inability to sandbox admin password from Accounts password.
    Again, if you do not understand this please get tech to answer me.
    And it's not resolved, so the people on this thread SHOULD be notified.
    I'm trying to help you here, I could just blast this out on social media but I'm not working for your competition, I'm trying to help you so please respect that enough to respond professionally by reading and comprehending what I'm writing or finding someone there who can.

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    CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @Sol ! We do not recommend using shared emails for your account, such as acmeaccounts@acme.some. You are correct that any email address added to the account holder's profile will have access to the password and account-level permissions for that Wave account. This refers to email addresses that you add by going to Manage Your Profile > Emails & Connected Accounts. We assume emails you add here belong to you, the account holder. This is not what I am referring to when I say sub-user or guest user. I am recommending that you instead add this email address as a sub-user to your account, using a function in Wave built for this purpose, which removes this risk. To accomplish this, you can remove this email address from Your Profile (which is intended to house only emails belonging to you, the account holder) and add it again following these steps:

    1. Click Settings at the bottom of the lefthand navigation menu.
    2. Click on Users under User Management.
    3. Click Invite an Editor or Invite a Viewer.
    4. Add their first name, last name, email address and their position with your business. Click Invite User. Your invitee receives an email invitation, which they must accept within 24 hours. On the User Management page, you will now see the pending invitations.

    If the invitee does not have a Wave account, they (or whoever at your business receives this email) will need to set up an entirely separate personal profile in Wave. If the user is a current Wave user, they will need to click the Add link at the bottom of the email that they receive, and will then be able to navigate through to your business from their profile using the business selector. In both cases, you will know this is correctly set us because acmeaccounts@acme.some has a separate Wave account, with a separate personal profile and credentials. When they are logged in and then click the business selector in the top left-hand corner, they will see your business name with "Editor" (or whatever their permission level) in a blue box next to the business name. You can even set up separate social auths (Google, for example) for each account.

    To be clear, you can send invoices from an email address added as a sub-user, if it is granted full Editor permissions. It does not need to be added as an account holder email address, but simply have the send invoices toggle on when you send the guest user invite.

    They have all of the permissions outlined here. A sub-user has no access to account level permissions, and cannot change your password. This feature was designed to enable you to work with your employees securely, without sharing ownership access to your Wave account. I have verified this process with our Application Support team, as well as the developers at Wave who build our access management tools, and I also use it on my account to collaborate with colleagues. If you have any further questions, I'd be happy to address those. Thank you.

    edited October 25, 2018
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    SolSol Member Posts: 7

    Thank you for your detailed response.. Although this is a non-standard way of setting up access I will work with it with an open mind, because I like to see innovation as long as it does not break security.
    I hopefully will get back to you shortly and share my enthusiasm once again!
    I think that the explanation given here will be helpful for many people so I appreciate your response to my direct manner.
    I'll restructure so that our accounting email is invited as a guest user and will get back to you with the results.
    Thank you again for your attention.

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