Receipt notes disappearing; Merge transaction broken

SupermonkSupermonk Member Posts: 5

Hello, wanted to see if anyone the developer side could help address some problems I'm having with receipts and merging receipts w/ duplicate imported bank transactions.

I just spent a couple hours on the desktop browser app combing through a couple months of receipts I uploaded via the iOS app, categorizing them, writing notes, then verifying them. BUT once I go to the transactions window, all my notes for those receipted transactions are gone. Furthermore, when I try to merge the receipted transactions with duplicate uncategorized or mis-categorized transactions imported from my bank, half the time the receipted transactions end up getting re-categorized into the wrong category or end up becoming uncategorized. Super super frustrating, as I now need to entirely redo all the hours of work I did on the front end and re-annotate and recategorize everything in the transactions module. What should take an hour or two is now taking twice that amount! I've been on Wave now for about six months, and I don't remember having these problems before...are these new bugs?

Does anybody have a way to fix this? Thank you.


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Supermonk.

    For the notes on your receipts, they are separate from the notes on transactions. You'll only be able to see them by clicking that receipt on the receipt page. When a receipt creates a transaction, that receipt and that transaction become two separate things entirely. Changes to one side won't affect the other.

    As for the categorization of merged items, here's what's happening. When you merge two transactions in Wave, Wave treats the transaction that is the lowest on your transactions page (so the oldest transaction) as the primary transaction. Its categorization and details will survive and the other transaction will disappear. The easiest way to get around that would just be to delete the transaction uploaded by your bank.

    I wouldn't expect this to change since we're currently working on migrating every Waver to the new version of Wave, which doesn't currently have a Merge feature. We are working on rebuilding that feature entirely and making the whole process much smoother.

  • SupermonkSupermonk Member Posts: 5

    Okay, got it, thanks for the response. So given how the receipts and transactions modules are setup, if I want to write a note (e.g. the purpose for a business meal) for a receipt I upload through the iOS app so that I don't forget the business purpose for the receipt down the line when I reconcile my transactions, it will always be necessary to perform double data entry on the transactions page if I want to preserve that data for any reports I generate (e.g. in case of an audit, if I needed to generate a report for all my business meal transactions with notes regarding the business purpose of the meals)? Is that correct? That seems like a major inefficiency of the system if so.

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @Supermonk thanks for following up. I think I'm following - this would be problematic if you wished to merge all receipt transactions with the bank import entries. However you could also delete the bank imports and keep the receipt transaction that Wave creates. Would this create other problems on your end?

  • SupermonkSupermonk Member Posts: 5

    Hey @Charlotte , sorry for the slow reply. Thanks for your comment. Yes, I could delete the bank imports, but it seems like I'd still have to perform double data entry for each receipted transaction, is that correct? Because even if I write a note for each receipt when uploading them through the iOS app, those notes would be irrelevant since I'd have to re-enter them again in the transactions window for each receipted transaction if I wanted to show up on any reports I generate. Is that correct? What I was saying is that this seems like a big inefficiency of the Receipts module to have to constantly be doing double data entry and I wish there was a way for Receipt notes to carry over into the Transactions window once the Receipts are verified.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Supermonk.

    Notes won't show up on reports at all. They're meant to be more like handwritten scribbles on the back of receipts. That being said, there has been a few discussions here on the possibility of expanding that. You can check one of them out here

    On the subject of duplicate transactions, we do understand that it takes time to do this cleanup, and we're working on ways to make this process smoother and easier. This transaction merging feature isn't quite ready, however, but it is on its way!

    Thank you for your feedback!

  • SupermonkSupermonk Member Posts: 5

    Thanks Alexia, will check out that discussion

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