Credit Cards

ncraft6ncraft6 Member Posts: 2

I am performing bookkeeping on behalf of a small business. There are two credit card holders that roll up to one credit balance. However, the second card was added after the fact. Once we added the secondary credit card to Wave, it now doubles up transactions. Prior to adding the second card, the initial card connect was not consolidating the transactions. However, by including the second connection, it now consolidates! Should I try and delete the secondary card's transactions and disable Wave from pulling any future transactions for said secondary card? I am afraid if I delete the account altogether, I will lose critical history and it may no longer consolidate. Any thoughts?


  • NopDesign_ConnorNopDesign_Connor Member Posts: 22 ✭✭

    Hey @ncraft6. You can just delete the bank connection on the bank connection page. It won't delete any past transactions, it'll just stop new ones from coming in. It shouldn't affect your first bank connection, either.

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