Opening my Data Export file.csv in Microsoft Excel 365

Francois_1Francois_1 Member Posts: 4

I have recently switched to Excel 365 from an older version and I am now experiencing some difficulty when opening my Data Export file which I have exported all transactions as csv under the Settings tab on the right of the screen.
In my older versions of excel the csv file opened while showing each column in a seperate column in excel.
In excel 365 the csv file opens, showing all the exported data in column A of the worksheet, separated by commas. (Which is what the file type indicates.)
I can then deliminate the worksheet data using commas and excel groups data into separate columns.
PROBLEM IS that in the all transactions sheet some of the columns have text in it with comas typed in, and excel split the string into a new column. This only seems to be relevant for transactions from the accounts receivable sub-ledger. Resulting in my data for these AR transaction being in the wrong columns.

Would this be due to a setting in excel 365 that I am unaware of that could be changed? Or is there some incompatibility between Wave and Excel 365 which we did not experience in older versions of excel, e.g. 2010 or 2007?

Pls help, I have now lost a very handy functionality that I could use Wave for in the past.


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