
Sales Tax not accurately calculated - STILL

pjppjp Member Posts: 1

I noticed a few other posts on this board but didn't see any resolution from anyone or from Wave. This is simple: Sales tax percentage is not being calculated correctly, not even close. For example: We have an item that's $15. Sales tax is 6.85%. That should be $1.03 for tax. But Wave is calculating it as $0.64.

I've tried other taxes and items, and they all undercalculate. What the heck is going on? This has to be a bug.


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    flamingoSWFLflamingoSWFL Member Posts: 5

    I'm having the same problem Sales tax here is 7% So on a 150 item the sales tax should be 10.50
    Wave calculates it as 10.33
    This is a serious bug.

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    MarshajoveMarshajove Member Posts: 3
    Has anybody helped you with the incorrect sales tax calculations? I’m having the same problem. Is there a fix?
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