Struggling with Sales transactions for Drop Shipped Items

Apologies if this is outlined elsewhere. I am very new to accounting and very new to owning a small business.
I am trying to rectify my balance sheet for taxes. My primary business checking on the balance sheet does not reflect what I have in the account.
I sell drop-shipped prints of my photography. Each order is printed on demand and shipped by the print lab, I never touch the product.
What I've decided to do is when I get the profit deposited into my business checking, I adjust the total sale value to reflect the product price, split the transaction to account for the credit card merchant fee, and then create a separate journal entry showing asset purchase of the print (credit), and then expense COGS account (debit). This way I am accounting for cost of goods, and showing the net sales amount. Gross profit seems to calculate appropriately.
Is there a better way to do this? Am I being dense?
thanks in advance!