Can I LIMIT how far back my bank transactions import and only a certain amount up to a point?

DaVuuj360DaVuuj360 Member Posts: 1

I understand Plaid can import my bank transactions up to 6 months when connected to my bank, but will it automatically import all of the amount up to that time? Or can I make it so that I manually control the point/month for the amount of transactions imported? I haven't heard this question asked or seen an answer to it anywhere. I need to only upload transactions from 2 months back, and then I can automatically let them import from here on out. The ones previous, for specific reasons, I wasn't able to connect my bank and so manually created transactions or imported my bank statements. But I can do it now, yet I don't want to create a huge mess and go through and delete unnecessary ones I've already accounted for. Thanks.

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