hide or move an overdue invoice

ramiroramiro Member Posts: 3


Anyone know how can i hide or move to a different folder or page, an overdue invoice from the Invoices page?



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ramiro.

    There isn't currently a way to hide an invoice or move it to a different tab without paying it off. If you are looking on how to handle bad debt from giving up on the payment altogether, we have an article on the Help Center about that. Let me know and I'll get the link for you.

    Can you tell me a bit more about the circumstances of this invoice and why you'd want to hide it?

  • ramiroramiro Member Posts: 3


    Yes, please give me the link to that article.

    Yes, you pointed it out correctly. It's about bad debt, it's an unpaid invoice that we know that people which we sent the invoice to is not gonna pay the invoice anymore, but at the same time we don't want to delete the invoice. So, we just want to move it, or mark it somehow so we will know it is different from other unpaid invoices that are going to be paid by clients.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Here you are, @ramiro. I'm sorry to hear about that unpaid invoice, it's always frustrating and stressful.

  • ramiroramiro Member Posts: 3


    I tried to do this:

    "If you haven't previously created an Undeposited Funds Account, go ahead and create one now. Click Accounting on the left menu, then Chart of Accounts, and then the Add an Account button. "

    But when i click on add an account i see only some search box:

    "Search for an account, or browse the account categories."

    I don't see any option to add a new account.

    Can you please check it?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @ramiro.

    You'll have to create it as an account under the "Other Bank Account" category. It's a little unintuitive right now, but the new version of Wave makes the account creation process much friendlier (and every Waver will get the upgrade in the next few months!).

  • SprintnzSprintnz Member Posts: 3

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @ramiro.

    There isn't currently a way to hide an invoice or move it to a different tab without paying it off. If you are looking on how to handle bad debt from giving up on the payment altogether, we have an article on the Help Center about that. Let me know and I'll get the link for you.

    Can you tell me a bit more about the circumstances of this invoice and why you'd want to hide it?

    i dont know what happened to our account, its showing 1137 invoices overdue since 2017, which is actually paid by all our customers and their accounts are updated upto 30 nov 2019.
    its showing me the difference of $126,134. now i cant go to each individual invoice and mark it as paid, please guide me the best solution and one time solution.

  • ConnorMConnorM Member Posts: 1,229 ✭✭✭

    Hey @Sprintnz! That's definitely a tricky one, I'm sorry to hear it! Have you recently deleted transactions from within your Wave account, that might have been indicating that all of those invoices were paid off? What do your accounts currently look like?

  • SprintnzSprintnz Member Posts: 3

    overdue accounts, i am sending you the screenshot, please how many invoices are overdue and see the overdue amount.

  • BarsinBarsin Member, Moderator Posts: 2,041 ✭✭✭

    Hey again @Sprintnz

    I'm going to echo @ConnorM above and ask about your transactions. Have you or anyone in your account made any change to the transactions page? If you delete an invoice payment transaction from the transactions page, this will put all of your invoices in an overdue state. Often times users may want to delete several transactions to "start over from scratch" not realizing the affect this has on the rest of your account. I'm not insinuating this is what happened, however can you take a look at your transactions page and tell us if all of them still exist here?

  • SprintnzSprintnz Member Posts: 3

    yes i am adding payments manually to keep them update but very big hassle do something so that i can save time

  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    @Sprintnz Within Wave, if you mark an invoice as paid, this will also create an invoice payment transaction in your bookkeping (it will be called "Invoice Payment"). The invoice and this transaction are linked so if you delete that transaction, then the invoice will be automatically marked as overdue. Commonly, Wavers will see a duplicate transaction (the actual payment from your statement and the one created by Wave). In order to rectify this, Wavers often delete the transaction created by Wave, but because of how these transactions are linked to the invoice, it will actually unmark the invoice as paid. Instead there are a couple of ways that you can address this moving forward:

    • The first is for you to merge the two transactions together. This will avoid the need for duplicates, but will still require you to locate the duplicates
    • Alternatively (and the suggested workflow), rather than marking the invoice itself as paid, you can categorize the transaction from your statement as "Payment for an Invoice in Wave" and select the appropriate invoice. This will then mark the invoice as paid, but will not create another transaction.

    Now, if you have deleted the Wave created transactions, then can you confirm if you have uploaded a statement into Wave? If you have, then transactions from the statement for the income collected would be in your Wave account, and you can follow the suggested workflow above to rectify the issue!

    I know that this was a little longer of an explanation, but I hope that the extra detail gives you some insight as to what may have happened and how you can fix this moving forward! :)

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