Invoice Notification

InvoicerInvoicer Member Posts: 2

When an invoice is sent out with the incorrect email on it, yes these typos happen, and that email is an invalid email address; do we get notification someplace that shows it bounced or was undeliverable? Otherwise we would not find out in a timely fashion that the client did not receive the invoice and would not know it was due. Does anyone know?


  • JenHopfJenHopf Member Posts: 18

    Happened to me with a recurring invoice one time, I got an error message when it tried to send it out. Not sure about regular invoices, maybe @Alexia can help?

  • InvoicerInvoicer Member Posts: 2

    Thank you for your suggestion. To be clear, you got an error when sending via Wave? If so, where did the error show up?

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Invoicer.

    You might see that under the invoice itself, on the invoice page. If you can send me a private message with your client's email (as it was entered) and the invoice number, I can take a look.

  • paokane1paokane1 Member Posts: 5

    This has happened to me a few times too. My client gives me there email address, I check that I 'm entering it right, double check, etc. Send off the Invoice no problems......then I wait for the payment......wait....start thinking there not paying me....wait. then send off a reminder (no notification that any is wrong with the email address).....wait..then finally I directly contact the client by sms/text, etc asking is this the right email address. Then they say email its wrong in some way.
    Then I experiment & send off a test email by the first email address via gmail. It immediately comes back with a notification that it didn't go thru. But nothing happens with waveapps, no notifications :(

    Waveapps, please fix this problem.



  • JamieDJamieD Administrator Posts: 1,156 admin

    Hey @paokane1. I would like to investigate your case a little bit further here -- if possible, could you please send me a DM with your business name as well as email address so we can dig a bit deeper into what could actually be going on here?

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