Expense transactions deleted... how did you manage it?

KrotikKrotik Member Posts: 3

Dear Wave,

I recently wrote to ask whether it was possible to print out the expense transactions I'd entered in my account. After being totally led up the garden path in emails by one of your advisors, I finally discovered that "no, it isn't possible to print out" which is, of course, a VERY BIG minus.

However, when I finally returned to my account thinking that I would now have to copy out all my expense transactions from the transactions page by hand, I discovered that all the transactions I'd entered had suddenly disappeared. Not sure how you managed that, but it actually means hours of work down the plug hole.

Wave, I can't thank you enough for wasting my valuable time. Keep up the good work!


  • JordanDJordanD Member Posts: 515 ✭✭✭

    Hi Rick,

    Jordan here from Wave's Support Team. First of all, losing your information is really scary, however, I want to reassure you that I have sent you a reply to your open ticket with some troubleshooting steps and will be happy to work through that with you there.

    Please check your email and feel free to reply to me there. It's my goal to do what I can to assist with the situation.

    Talk soon,

  • KrotikKrotik Member Posts: 3

    Jordan, although I'm dreadfully disappointed at losing all the data I put in, I do appreciate your attempts to help. But it just isn't possible to obtain a print out is it? I think this really is a minus. And I just cannot understand what happened to my entries - it took ages to put all that data in and now I've lost it, or so it seems ):

  • CharlotteCharlotte Member Posts: 671 admin

    Hi @Krotik ! I just wanted to touch base regarding your data: data integrity is our foremost concern as a financial services platform so we're certain your data is not lost. Most often this happens because a new account was created inadvertently, as outlined in this Help Center article and expanded upon in this one.

    I've taken a look and I can see that the email address used to create this Community profile is different from the email address used to submit your support ticket. Our records also indicate that there is more than one business in Wave with your business name, including one account created in January 2018, and another created in late March 2018.

    I'd recommend logging out of your Wave account (click your business name in the top left corner and sign out) and logging back in using another email address. You should find the data you're familiar with. :) If you need assistance figuring out which account which email address is assigned to where and/or deleting an account that is not needed and was created by accident, I'm sure @JordanFromWave can assist you in your ticket, as we may need to confirm some account details to do that most expediently.

    If I can assist you with anything else here, please do let me know.

  • KrotikKrotik Member Posts: 3

    Dear Charlotte - yes, you are correct and I was alerted to my error by Jordan just a few minutes ago. What an idiot I am! Please accept my sincere apologies, I should be a lot more careful. Of course, I will not be able to just print out my entries as I was hoping, but at least now they are all still there and it will be a lot easier copying them from your Wave page than going through all the documents and tickets all over again. I do very much appreciate your very rapid responses and once again apologise for being so utterly stupid - Rick

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