Recurring Invoices - Automatic Invoice Naming is a MESS!

I have several Recurring Invoices setup and it seems that you have no control over the invoice titles that Wave creates for this type of invoice. Wave is actually taking the name of some of my other invoices and using that as my recurring invoice names.
For instance, if one of my non-recurring customers is named MCDONALDS, then Wave is (for some reason) randomly naming ALL my recurring invoices as Invoice_MCDONALLDS_001 even if this customer is completely different and unrelated to MCDONALDS. You can imagine what a disaster this has become. And customers are emailing asking me "WHAT IS THIS?!?!"
Yet I have no control over the invoice titles because as it says "Recurring Invoice names are automatically generated"
I would like to know how to fix this also.. Luckily I only have 1 but once it goes out I have to go in and edit the invoice number but the client has already received the invoice with the incorrect title.
We don't all use 1 invocie series for all clients.. i have separate invoice series for each client..