Manual override for GST on Invoices?

I live in BC where tax rates are 5% GST & 7% PST.
When I charge for Material and Supplies to a customer the cost I add to the invoice includes 7% PST, since this tax is not compound or recoverable.
GST on the other hand is recoverable, so I have this added in my sales tax settings.
I am unable to properly account for my cost & GST on invoices since the GST is calculated on the total, which includes PST.
Ex. my cost is $387.46, plus $27.12 PST & $19.37 GST. I can override the GST on the expense so my cost reflects properly at $414.58, plus GST of $19.37.
Though when I invoice the material at my cost of $414.58, the GST calculated on the invoice is $20.73, when it needs to be $19.37.
Is there a way override the manual GST calculation on invoices so it can reflect the proper amount?