
Record advance payment and Balance due

juzer053juzer053 Member Posts: 1

Hello everyone,
I have a newly setup small sized business. I'd like to inquire today that is there a way I can record the total amount of a project in an invoice, add advance payment and the balance due? All in same invoice? Is it possible? It took me a good 30 mins to find an option like this, but bad luck, hence I wrote in note that remaining balance is $XXXX.XX.
Is there anyway I can do this more efficiently?
Any help would be highly appreciated.



  • Options
    Dante_BulluckDante_Bulluck Member Posts: 52 ✭✭


    You can create your invoice for the full amount, skip sending it, add a partial payment for the amount of the advance and, only then, send it out. The remaining balance will be displayed on there.

  • Options
    RahimRahim Member Posts: 97 ✭✭

    Another option if you have equal payments:

    You can set up an automatic recurring invoice with the customers credit card to keep track of the instalments. For Example:

    Project for $1000 that is paid in 4 instalments over 8 weeks.

    Setup a recurring invoice for $250 to repeat bi-weekly. You can setup automatic payments with you customer's credit card so you don't have to worry about the instalment payments. In the notes of the recurring invoice, you can say that this is part of the 4 instalments for the overall project of $1000.

    Hope that helps!

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