
Passing on CC payment processing fees to client

Anson578Anson578 Member Posts: 9

I'm trying to figure out how to pass on the CC processing fees to my client.
IE: lets say I have an invoice for $100.
The processing fees are 2.9% + .60 = $3.50

If the work done ( original invoice ) is $100, I add a line item for the fees ( $3.50 ) this becomes 103.50
WAVE then takes their 2.9 + .60 off of the 103.50 instead of the $100.
Thus it becomes and ongoing number in fees.
IE: wave takes $3.6015 instead of $3.50

$100 is just an example but if I have an invoice for 650 the processing fees should be $19.45, but if I add the 19.45 to the invoice as processing fees, wave takes $20.014.

So how can I pass the fees to client without wave taking the fees off of the additional on the invoice?

I thought about leaving the fees off of the invoice and telling the client what the fees are and they just over pay the invoice but will you guys still take the extra they pay to cover the processing fees?

Is there a way to include the processing fees on the invoice to the customer and wave will only take the proper percentage from the actual price of the work itself?
I have asked this question to several wave reps in a few different discussions but no one answers or give the slightest resolve.
Please respond and maybe talk to your software programmers to find a resolve.


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    boberonicusboberonicus Member Posts: 1

    I'm not even a Wave user (yet), but I can tell you a few things I've learned by taking credit cards from customers for over 20 years.

    • In your first example, if your processor (Wave) is taking a $103.50 charge for you, they don't care how it breaks out, they'll still set your fee based on the $103.50. That's because THEY get charged a percentage by Visa / MC/ etc. based on that total. There is no mechanism for your processor (Wave) to bypass the percentage they pay their upstream processor.
    • Most credit card processing agreements forbid you from explicitly requesting a fee to cover processing costs, or even setting a minimum amount for a credit card charge. You'll notice that small stores try to get away with this with little signs by the cash register. But never at chain stores, who don't want to violate their agreement.
    • Build in the extra 3% into your fee structure. Those that pay with cash pay 3% "too much" but no one likes to see a line item for the cost of taking their money. It just causes friction.
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