
Recurring Invoice didn't run 15-05-2018

StuartBlackStuartBlack Member Posts: 2

I had a single run Invoice that was meant to run last night... when I get in this morning to check my invoice run, the one invoice was out the list of recurring invoices... next I clicked on all invoices and it appeared in that list but with an error "Generation Error: The invoice scheduled for May 15th 2018 was not created. This is likely due to a server availability error."

I have manually sent another invoice...

Just want to check if something can be done so this won't happen to me again, maybe I'm doing something wrong.

edited August 31, 2018 in Wave Features


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    MitchellGillespieMitchellGillespie Member Posts: 17 admin

    Hi @StuartBlack

    Recurring invoice failures can occur because of both scheduling issues or a change of data in your account that impacts the automated service. We are meticulous about tracking the number scheduling issues that happen, but to avoid the later issue I recommend you consider the following:

    1) If you delete a product, make sure it doesn't exist on a recurring invoice.

    2) If you delete a product income account (in chart of accounts), think about whether a product attached to that is on a recurring invoice.

    3) If you delete a customer, make sure that customer does not exist on a recurring invoice.

    Our Sales Delivery team is brainstorming ways to craft more checks and communications in-app to help you prevent the cases identified above. We're always tuning our scheduling system to minimize the number of scheduling issues that pop up.

    I hope this information helps.

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    ItsJennaItsJenna Member Posts: 12

    @StuartBlack Did you change your email address on Wave, recently? I did that a few weeks back and it broke my recurring invoices. I just had to go back to the recurring invoice in question and adjust the sending address so it matched my new email.

    I think that's the error message I got, anyways.

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