How to populate the tax field without entering it manually?
After scanning a receipt, is there a way to auto populate the tax field? When I click on 'add tax', it does nothing so I end up calculating and entering the value manually, which is quite annoying.
Hi, @waynesto.
There isn't a way to do this in Wave at this time. You'll have to add the taxes exactly as they appear on your receipt. I'm not sure if our OCR would be able to differentiate the taxes on receipt from other numbers effectively.
With that said, thank you for your feedback!
Not expecting the OCR to recognize the tax portion from the receipt. I m referring to the 'add tax' drop down on the receipt details screen. I think it is suppose to allow you to define a tax and calculate it base on the total automatically. But it doesn't seem to do anything. Perhaps its a bug?
Hi, @waynesto.
No, it needs to be entered manually. This is because taxes don't necessarily apply to all items on the receipt. In Ontario, for example, many items that qualify as groceries are tax-free, but not all items you can buy at a grocery store are. In other regions, different taxes affect different specific products.
We can't easily decipher which items should be taxed at which rate (or really individual items at all), so it's more practical to add this amount by hand.
I found this webpage, which indicates there is a tax function in wave. But it doesn't seem to work - after choosing a tax I predefined earlier, it did nothing.
Hi, @waynesto.
This automatically generated number only applies for invoices and bills, not receipts. Those two are both created manually, line by line, allowing you to add taxes only to specific line items. That is not possible with receipts.