Problems with receipts

martingreigmartingreig Member Posts: 1

I have photographed hundreds of receipts either with my android phone or my iPad and verified them ALL BUT TO MY ASTONISHMENT THEM ARE NOT AVAILABLE ON THE PROFIT AND LOSS LEDGER.Only around 25 receipts are available .Can anyone tell me if they have had the same problem and how it can be resolved . Please don't tell me I have to lodge every receipt manually . By the way I a. Using a windows laptop to process my accounting .Is there a compatibility issue between iOS / android and windows .



  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @martingreig.

    Is it possible that you used Owner's Investments/drawings as a payment account for those receipts that are missing from your P&L report? That would cause them to not appear on the report, since the expense wouldn't be recorded against your business at all.

  • DavyDavy Member Posts: 3

    @Alexia Could you please provide some clarity on this? The interface doesn't seem to allow the selection of Equity at all. I posted some receipts with Shareholder's loan as the Payment Account and transactions have not shown up yet. Will only Cash payment trigger auto transactions?

  • DavyDavy Member Posts: 3

    Okay, so it seems like only some account types, like credit cards, are eligible for auto transaction posting. I suggest something to expose that information since accounts cannot be removed.

    On a side note, archived accounts still show up in the receipts app.

  • BradRBradR Member Posts: 1

    Hmm when did the Owners Equity / Drawings thing change?

    I'm barely staying afloat with the accounting side of things as it is, thought I had an ok workflow going, but just struck this (I think?).

    I added a receipt about an hour ago, paid with Owners Equity/Drawings. That one gave me a corresponding transaction.

    I've just added another two, and these ones have not. This has always worked in the past.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi @Davy and @BradR.

    We do have a suggested workflow for handling business expenses paid through personal accounts. You can find this workflow here.

    @Davy, we're aware of the issue where archived accounts show up in certain places on Wave and are working on a fix. I can't tell you exactly when this will be resolved, but we are working on it.

    @BradR Could you show me a screenshot of one of those receipts paid from an Owner's Investments account that did make it through, as well as the matching transaction?

  • Just_LurkingJust_Lurking Member Posts: 31 ✭✭

    @Davy, we're aware of the issue where archived accounts show up in certain places on Wave and are working on a fix. I can't tell you exactly when this will be resolved, but we are working on it.

    Hi @Alexia, I was going to make a post on a similar topic but then saw this. I just noticed that some newly imported transactions (via bank feed) have been categorized into one of my "Archived" categories. Is this the same bug that you are working on eliminating? Thanks.

  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Yes, @Just_Lurking, it is.

    The good news is that this one is very high on our list, so you shouldn't be waiting much longer before it's resolved.

  • BigLittlePartiesBigLittleParties Member Posts: 2

    Hi I have uploaded hundred of receipts but they are not accounted as expenses in the profit and loss statements

  • NancyCNancyC Member Posts: 148 admin

    Hey @BigLittleParties, I'm unsure if this may be related, but it appears that some of the Wave pages for your account might not be communicating with each other, and this could be the reason why your profit and loss isn't reflecting the receipt expenses.

    I have triggered an accounting data fix to re-sync your data and make sure that nothing is out of sync. Please allow half an hour or so for this to take place.

    If your receipts transactions are still not reflecting as expenses on your P&L afterwards, I recommend submitting a support ticket and one of our dedicated support specialist can help further investigate! Thank you.

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