Shipping Cost

How do I enter the shipping cost in invoice for the item i sell and it is charged to the buyer, what account should I make for that?
How do I enter the shipping cost in invoice for the item i sell and it is charged to the buyer, what account should I make for that?
@milzamsz, I add it as a line item on my invoices, and I have an income account called "Shipping Payments". When I actually pay that shipping charge on my end, I make a journal transaction that credits my bank account and debits that income account.
I am having the same issue. I produce drinking chocolate.
I have given up on inventory, so I put everything under sales/income. Shipping is also sales/income.
My clients pay the shipping, and then I pay the shippers. Then when I pay the shippers one lump sum at the end of the month, it is under expenses.
I still come up as making more than I actually have. help please! (I REALLY don't understand journal transactions. )
Thank you!!!
@Ggfoto as @JenHopf mentioned, you can create a line item on your invoices for shipping. You can also create a separate income account for Shipping Fees to differentiate. When you pay the shippers, would you incur a separate expense for that? For example, you would have have your invoice including the shipping fee for which you would receive payment, and then an expense for the shipping fees, meaning your totalled income would be correct?
This is a different case, but you may also be interested in reading our reimbursement FAQ.
I am a notary signing agent and I charge per service that includes the shipping fee but by the other side I pay the shipping
How should I handle this in wave?
Another question, in this 2019 season I will be a tax preparer and I want to know if I need to have separate accounts or can I keep using my biz account that I am using now as a Notary ?
Thanks !
Hey @olivia_notary_tx, great questions.
In terms of accounting for you charging for, put also paying, shipping costs, you'll basically be showing the shipping cost as a reimbursable expense in the invoice. You'll want to generate an 'Other Income' account in your Chart of Accounts, and name it something recognizable such as 'Reimbursement for Shipping'. From here, head over to Sales > Products & Services, and create or edit a Shipping Cost item, with the payment account being the account you just generated. Add this to invoices going forward, and you should be good to go! In terms of paying out the expense, you'd want to add that on the Transactions page as you normally would, and all should balance out. You can also take a look at the more detailed workflow here:
Also, depending on the situation, it may be worthwhile to generate a second business profile for your tax preparation. If you want to account for both business transactions in one account, you can definitely add transactions and invoices related to tax preparer to your business account. I would say the biggest determining factor is whether or not you'd like your reports to show your bookkeeping across these two activities (then keep everything in one account), or if you'd like to independently account for tax prep work.
Hey @Tinysparkle, I went ahead and moved your post to this thread because it looks like some other Wavers were already discussing this. Take a look above at @Charlotte and @Samd tips and if you need some further help let us know! You have a community of Wavers happy to jump in
Hello! I have an online boutique, and I was hoping to figure out how to add Shipping where it isn't an item and doesn't count towards sales? My shipping prices pretty much cover the entire cost of shipping and I do not make this as income. Is there a way to do this? Thank you.
Hey @MidwayLane . I merged your comment into this thread as we have a lot of really good info here to help answer your question. Take a look at some of the answers above and if you're still having trouble, don't hesitate to reach back out!
Okay, I get how to make a separate Shipping Cost income. But now my problem is that I need to charge sales tax on the shipping. And Wave seems to only let you deduct sales tax if you include it in the total and let it calculate it on its own, which makes it unwieldy at best if you have multiple items that all need to be taxed.
Here's a real example to better explain what I'm talking about. My customer purchases $23.50 worth of merchandise. My shipping costs are $7.86. My customers need to pay sales tax on the combined total of $31.36. Shopify calculates sales tax of $1.74, leading to a total invoice of $33.10. I don't know how to make it so that $23.50 ends up in Product Sales, $7.86 ends up in Shipping Costs, and $1.74 ends up in Sales Tax Payable, because if I try to put in $23.50 to to Product Sales, it assumes that the sales tax is included in that amount.
Hey there @cphillips73107 ! I'm afraid that you can't action this by simply splitting a transaction. If you want to allocate the funds like this in Wave, you will need to create an invoice and include the merchandise and shopping fees as separate item lines. You can then add a sales tax to each item line on the invoice.
Is there any way to get Shipping charges to show up under Subtotal as Taxes does?