1099's on Wave
Hey everyone, so my business will be contracting out help for service delivery. I know that quickbooks has a function for 1099's so that they are put into a system, paid through the system, etc.
Do you all have a similar option for 1099's? I am loving the app so far, and I would like to make sure I understand all the features before getting too involved. Thank you so much!
Hi, @Empa_Tea.
Thank you for the love and welcome to Wave!
It isn't something we offer right now, but we've been asking Wavers to tell us a bit more about their business' relationships with contractors in this other thread. Telling us a bit more about your workflow and your business in that thread will help us assess how much a feature like this one is needed for Wavers.
Plus, we always love to read a bit more about our Wavers and their businesses.