Recurring Invoices - Sent on the 21st of Each Month

DigitalStormMediaDigitalStormMedia Member Posts: 2

I've been messing with this system for some time now and can not seem to figure this out. I need to send recurring invoices each month on the 21st - this invoices are due by (should be paid by) the 1st... how the hell do you set this up?


  • AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @DigitalStormMedia.

    It isn't currently possible to set the due date for recurring invoices as a specific day of the month. It has to be in one of the increments offered on the Recurring Invoice creation page.

    You could set up your recurring invoices to be sent manually, and edit the due date manually before actually sending them out, but that would mean a few extra steps of work on your end.

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