
Products and Services

TorleifTorleif Member Posts: 5

When i make an invoice with for example;

Accommodation $100USD

Scuba Diving $100USD

Food $50USD

These 3 items will put into separate account as an income.

Accommodation $100USD will go under Accommodation

Scuba Diving $100USD will go under Scuba Diving

Food $50USD will go under Food.

My question to you is this?

If i have a dive Package setup under Products and Services. This package include this;

1 night accommodation $100US

2 scuba dives $100USD

1 Breakfast $100USD

In the invoice it self this would be categorised as i dive package. And all the income will normally be under Dive Packages, Dive Package $250USD.

Is there anyway i could setup the Products & Services so these items would come under each category instead like this;

1 night accommodation $100US

2 scuba dives $100USD

1 Breakfast $100USD

Or do i need to put each item in to be able to make this?

edited August 30, 2018 in Wave Features


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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi, @Torleif.

    You couldn't exactly make it automatic. The most efficient way to handle, I think, this would be to create a draft invoice that would look like this:

    • Accommodations - 1 - $100
    • Scuba Dive - 2 - $100
    • Breakfast - 1 - $100
    • Dive Package Discount - 1 - $-50

    Create another income account for your discounts. Whenever you want to create an invoice for that dive package, duplicate this invoice draft, add your client information and you're done!

    Does that make sense? It'll make sure that your income accounts display the numbers you want to see while making sure the final price is accurate to take into account that discount.

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    TorleifTorleif Member Posts: 5

    @Alexia said:
    Hi, @Torleif.

    You couldn't exactly make it automatic. The most efficient way to handle, I think, this would be to create a draft invoice that would look like this:

    • Accommodations - 1 - $100
    • Scuba Dive - 2 - $100
    • Breakfast - 1 - $100
    • Dive Package Discount - 1 - $-50

    Create another income account for your discounts. Whenever you want to create an invoice for that dive package, duplicate this invoice draft, add your client information and you're done!

    Does that make sense? It'll make sure that your income accounts display the numbers you want to see while making sure the final price is accurate to take into account that discount.

    Hello Alexia!
    I think we are talking about two different things here. Let me try to explain again one time! I need to figure out how to divide a package or a bundled group sales.

    If i sell a room - $100 this income goes into accommodation.
    If i sell diving - $100 this goes into scuba diving
    If is sell food - $50 this goes to fond & drinks.

    But if i sell a whole package with the same items as above here.
    Dive package - $250
    How can i get this items to be separated into the accounting as above?

    $100 this income goes into accommodation.
    $100 this goes into scuba diving
    $50 this goes to fond & drinks.

    As of now i this will all go to dive packages. It would be better if i could divide them into each category as above here. Or my accounting will not reflect actually what i am selling, only dive packages.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    I apologize for the misunderstanding, @Torleif. Food was marked as $100 in a few places, so I had assumed a discount was involved in buying the package.

    You can't do that easily. You would have to make a journal entry after every sale that would look like this:

    • Debit the Dive Package income account for $250
    • Credit Accommodations for $100
    • Credit Scuba Diving for $100
    • Credit Food & Drink for $50

    You would have an easier time setting it up as a draft invoice that you duplicate as needed, or by simply creating the invoices from scratch.

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    TorleifTorleif Member Posts: 5

    Ok Alexia, thanks for your help.

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    AlexiaAlexia Member Posts: 3,314 ✭✭✭✭

    Happy to help!

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